Artist Website Examples


Since my last blog about artist websites I have had a lot of requests for examples.  Since the artist website is THE most important marketing tool I have done some research about some more points and some sites that really do well.

Scottsdale artist Cyndy Carstens website is beautifully designed with big, bold images, simple navigation, prominent contact information, a blog, and prices on every image! Check it out HERE

I worked with Lisa O’Riley last year on revamping the language and simplicity of her website and she did a great job.  Check it out HERE

I also found a couple of artists that are extremely successful with sales from their respective websites.  They use full portfolios, it is very clear what they do, and they make it super easy to purchase the work right from the site.  Check out Ann Rea and Matt LeBlanc (not Joey from FRIENDS).


  • Justin Germain

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